Maps Near Maps


Free Topo Maps of Australia

from MudMaps

The Australian Government (through GeoScience Australia) has made available a large range of free topo maps for download.

They are colour  250,000:1 topographic maps for all of Australia.

Better than Google Maps

By virtue of the fact that they are pdf format, unlike Google Maps, you can download GeoScience's maps for free, print them, or take them with you, using them offline or otherwise out of network range.

Free near maps

Getting your Free Maps

Follow this step by step guide to download your free topo maps of Australia.  With one downloaded you can proceed to download near maps one by one.

Stage 1 - Find the complete list of free maps

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Topography" in the "Select product type(s)"
  3. Click "show me results"
  4. This will bring up all maps from Australia in alphabetical order


Stage  2 - Choose the actual free map(s) you want

  1. Look for the area you want to get and click its "download" box
  2. Click the "continue to file selection" button
  3. Click "Georeferenced PDF map, xxMB"
  4. Choose a "Sector" and "Industry" for GeoScience's market research
  5. Click the "Continue to file download" button


Possible Stage 3 - Complete Registration

  1. Click "Continue to Registration"
  2. Click "I'm a new user/My details have changed"
  3. Complete registration form with your details
  4. Click "I have read, and agree to the LICENCE AGREEMENT"
  5. Complete "Proposed Use of Data" form
  6. Click "Continue to Download"

Stage 4 - Download your free map(s)

  1. You're now on the "File Download" Page
  2. Click on the highlighted name of your map in the Product Details column
  3. Choose "Save File" and "OK" to begin the download of the free map onto your computer

Stage 5 - (Optional) Download further nearby maps


And that's it your done!

You can now transfer them onto your GPS, iPhone, netbook or other pieces of technology and take them with you. If you know how to calibrate your GPS you can even set these maps as your primary mapping information set.

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