Wildlife Gallery



Another common cockatoo seen in bigger numbers through rural areas they are still seen through the sub-alpine forests. Known for wild flying habits.

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As rain approaches Kookaburras are known to become more vocal.  Perhaps its the promise of a fresh catch of worms that sets them off.

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Yellow-Tailed Black Cockatoo

Another huge cockatoo known throughout the high country these fellows are early warning system for a change in weather as they retreat out of the moutains before storms and back when the weather improves.

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Fishing is one of the most popular outdoor sports in Australia.  Trout fishing has been very popular through the alpine country since the introduction of the species in the 19th century.

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Dog High Jump

The dog high is one of the most popular events at country festivals and gymkanas.  We try to visit these festivals when possible on tour to see how the locals enjoy themselves in the Australian Bush.

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Mountain Racing

The legendary horse riding skills of the Man From Snowy River live on strongly in the High Country with regular 'mountain racing' competitions. These races are not around a track rather they are conducted at full speed through the forests, crossing rivers and jumping fallen trees.

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Australian Magpie

A curious bird these guys will almost steal food from your hand.  They are found through the bush, rural areas as well as cities today.

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Eastern Rosella

One of the smaller and more colourful parrots these guys are found mainly along the East Coast of Australia including through the Snowy Mountains

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Crimson Rosella (Mountain Lowry)

Found throughout the mountains and east coast these colourful 'flat tailed' parrots are easily seen eating grass seeds alongside the roads in the national parks

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